Central Constructs for the Theory

Central Constructs for the Theory

Steven Hayes, a professor, author, Doctor of Philosophy in clinical psychology, and award winning contextual behavioral science developer, created Relational Frame Theory (RFT). This theory is a behavioral theory that supports the notion that when people realize how their relationship with thoughts and words develop internal struggles and begin to address them, instead of avoiding them, they achieve positive change. Through the work of Dr. Hayes, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) was created. ACT is an emerging therapy considered to be a part of the third wave of Cognitive Behavior Therapies (CBT), used for treating anxiety disorders, phobias, substance abuse, posttraumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, and other mental health disorders. This third wave focuses on increasing acceptance of and relinquishing control over maladaptive attempts to regulate mood states. (Stewart et al., 2019). 

Waldron-Perrine et al (2022) stated that ACT can be explained by its six core processes, the Hexaflex:
Mindfulness * Acceptance * Self as Context * Cognitive Defusion * Defining Values * Committing to Values


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